Current Ascension phase: Incarnating the Higher Self

On Saturday July 7, I presented an online event to share the dynamics of the current phase of the Ascension process: Incarnating your Higher Self into the physical.

You can access the 2 hour video replay for $12.21 via this link.

This event was loaded with information and celebrates the beginning of the Higher Self stepping into our physical bodies. I am filled with gratitude that so many are welcoming this in and learning exactly what it feels like.

Why is this occurring now?

If you’ve been following the Ascension developments this year, you’ll understand the natural progression of the steps involved as we prepared for divine Reunion of the higher and lower levels. With the triple event portal of May’s eclipse, the Venus Transit, and Summer Solstice, we experienced a release of what no longer serves us, and a divine return of all aspects of ourselves. All parts of the Self; masculine and feminine, past, present and future reuniting on the Ascension timeline. This sped up our Ascension process significantly, which is why so many are feeling the divine purity of light intelligence consistently in their lifestream.

As this is the precursor to fully embodying the Crystalline Consciousness this Autumn, I AM guided to share this process with you. Gaia’s Gridwork is now complete, the dark is dissolving quickly, and Earth-grounded HUmans are about to reunite with the intergalactic community. The veils are lifting on our existence as Masters; this is is why this step is presenting right now.

The event will explore:

  • A quick review of the progression of the Ascension Path and raising the vibration
  • Where and what is the Higher Self
  • Connecting with and welcoming in the Higher Self
  • DNA activation
 and the light intelligence of Unconditional love
  • Embodying the crystalline/christ/krysthl consciousness
  • Mastery of this existence
  • Progress check: Signs of the Higher Self stepping forth

Why welcome this in?

  • Freedom from all illusions of fear, doubt, worry, lack, emotions and constructs of the ego-mind subconscious.
  • It has a strong impact on the collective consciousness
  • If Ascension to a new expression is one of your goals, you must embody this frequency
  • Meet any challenge or change with neutrality and discernment
  • Be a light of pure assistance as HUmanity reacts to evolution
  • The external becomes a non-issue as time collapses and Gaia ascends

This profound phase has accelerated into a powerful activation of my crystalline consciousness. I am honored to share this wisdom with you.

This event is presented with video webcam, slides and a live chat stream for questions during the event. 

Please REGISTER HERE for instant access to the replay. Be sure you have Flash video capability on your computer.

July events

I will be taking some time up on Mount Shasta in the next few weeks to access details on my dimensional liaison mission change. If you would like a private session with me, I will be available. Please book your session here.

I AM creating an Ascension Mastery class and a new book this Summer.


This mission runs on love, light and gratitude. If you find my work helpful to your journey, consider thanking me with a donation.


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.