Current Sharing: Less is More

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Gatekeepers, take a moment to pat yourselves on the back. It was a wild and wonderful few weeks; we finished anchoring these floodgates last Wednesday. How do we describe in mere words the joy (and relief) of completing this two year project? Fortunately the new light level is so palpable to the Tribe, and to many newly awakened, that we don’t have to dwell on descriptions. Who knew this would end with such a fervor; my goodness there were crowds everywhere for that last eclipse. Kindwhile the celebration continues in our consciousness, and oh what an experience it is.

Feel into the absolute joy and gratitude that this new level brings. Yes, it changes everything – again. The wavelike pulses are constant, like birthing contractions getting closer and closer together. Many of us are preoccupied by the intensity and divinity of witnessing our transformation. A great deconstruction of the old Self is under way, and it can be bizarre and beautiful.

Activations and Ascension alignments are consistent, merging with the Solar light within is stronger than ever, and the blissful transcendent experiences … this is our new normal, Beloveds. Breathe into the expansion, let it change you. I know it feels like bursting into light, like leaving this realm. We are anchoring this new level in the physical, which dissipates the old experience. Adjust your beliefs, practices, schedule and activities as best you can. Let it happen! Those of you who have been following the Mystery school protocol may experience a more rapid resurrection process. More on that later.

There is a lot of Intel to share about the significance of these Gateways and what they are doing to the planet, to HUmanity, to the SUN, etc. So much occurred with Shasta and my Self in the last few weeks. Observations, downloads, synchronicities, visitations, revelations … and yet in this Now moment it feels unimportant to talk about. Maybe soon. I choose to resist the temptation to talk this new light level down to size. Words tend to belittle the experience of it, and I continue to dive deep into the process of expansion. The Merge with the Solar template is fascinating to me. Those of you in the resurrection phase understand. It is a wonder we are able to communicate the way we do through this process; Galactic Mastery indeed.

The Ascension Path Connection Call is on Wednesday, October 7. We will have a deep sharing on our Gateway experiences and where we go from here. It may happen telepathically if we are all in the zone; wouldn’t that be remarkable. For the record, I AM deeply moved that our Q&A call has turned into these heartfelt sharing sessions. I feel we are aligning perfectly with this new light level by holding this sacred space, albeit odd to concentrate on a linear moment right now. I love the laughter and respect we bring to to this unfoldment. I look forward to our connection and hold you in my heart.

This phase of our Ascension outshines everything that came before it. I know most of you are giggling, sleepless, stunned, trembling, gasping, dancing and tranced out by what is occurring to your consciousness. It can be a wide-eyed Oh my Goodness this is really getting freaky kind of phase. You certainly don’t need any more external stimuli. For the moment, let us all unify in the stillness and honor what has been accomplished, is being accomplished, and will be accomplished by our dedication and devotion to embodying Source consciousness. All is incredibly well. Wheat grass shots for everyone!

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.

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