Gateways, Events and Updates

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Can you feel it amplifying again? This feels like the beginning of the Equinox passage to me, which means that wave will be highly activating and launch us out of the Resurrection phase. Gateways are much less linear than the flare-and-plasma storms of the last three years. Remember this is not a chart-watching year, as the Gateways are wide open all the time now, and the timelines and grids have shifted into Solar mode. It’s a whole year of consistent adjustments and amplifications, which means presence is vital. Let us do the good work and open, open, open up Gaia to radiate her new and true Self, and ourselves in turn.

In Service, amplify the Grids and Gates as often as possible. It will greatly assist your own process, which in turn assists the collective. We are still on Pacific Rim duty out here; not preventing quakes, but rather easing, balancing, stabilizing as Gaia must release a whole lot of energy this year. Gather and notice the quantum effect that even two or more working together produces. Amazing acceleration, and definitely a year to reconnect with HUmans if you’ve been in cave time for a while.

Trust yourself and F– USE your consciousness with the new Grids; they connect us to the crystalline consciousness in a much stronger way. Go Gaia Go!

Events and Sessions

Beyond the Ordinary show with John Burgos replay is up through the weekend at (offer expired). We had a great connection, and a lot was shared on where the Christed process is taking us. Feedback on the Solar Torus meditation has been powerful; I AM truly honored to hold that space. Note: These are the last discounts on Ascension Path for the year. Take advantage on John’s or Lauren’s site.

Sunday, February 14 – Join Suzanne Maresca and I for an update on Ascension and what is anticipated for the next few months in our process. Big shifts on the way for Wayshowers! Listen in at

Wayshower Retreat on Sunday, February 21 – Join Lauren Galey and I for a Wayshower-specific retreat. We’ll speak to regrouping and redesigning our services to meet the needs of the new light, and discuss solutions via live Q&A.

Private Sessions: I AM opening a few days of Private Sessions this month before the pre-Equinox focus. Book soon via the Session page.

Ascension Path Updates: Ascension Path participants, there are several new videos being added to the class, and a few meditations as well. I will complete this task by end of February. Log in anytime to enjoy the updated material. Remember new items will show up as a different color if you’ve been checking off your modules when completed.

It’s been a lot of busy-ness this week, and so much is unfolding at the moment. Looking forward to some writing time! Expect a lengthy article update next week. I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You.

In Love, Light and Service,


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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.