Happy NOW Year – A Year of Revelation

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Happy NOW Year! I AM sure most of you feel the magnitude and gratitude of this path unfolding right here, right now. All of our hard work – the expansion, the journey of unconditional Love, the Self-realization – is culminating in our transformation as we embody the NEW HUman expression upon Gaia.

Wayshowers and first-embodiers are going to be focused on this unique shift through (at least) January. Some of the experiences and energies are bizarre as ancient energies, codes, activations and beings re-join our journey. All of this was put in place as our best-case-scenario for the Ascension timelines, and here we are. Living it, fully conscious that everything is accelerating onto greater, higher light. How wonderful to receive this with an open heart!

Personally, I AM honoring this phase by staying centered, focused, in tune with Gaia (stability through these cosmic storms) and allowing my Team to show me what is new for the next phase of my journey. Some of the energetic adjustments are profound, some are unknown-to-me (embracing the bizarre a LOT lately), and there is a deeply devout aspect that is putting me in touch with a new definition of sacred. I read, study, write, and have a few projects that keep me grounded when I need it.

Kindwhile, I AM sending all of you warmth,strength and empowerment as we enter this year of revelation. With ease and grace, Beloveds.

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.