May Shift – Gateways bringing in 5D frequencies

Strong photonic 5D frequencies are coming in right now and the shifts they are creating are becoming evident to the awake and ascending. This is part of the triple-eclipse gateway, and there are many things you can do to participate in a big acceleration of the Ascension process of HUmanity, the kingdoms and elementals during this time.

This is a lengthier video on the details of what is occurring – these frequencies are coming in from Galactic Center carrying activation of the Divine HUman template, the Source Light within us and our true Creator skills. Expect Solar Heart activation and Cosmic Christ experiences as we release the core suffering within ourselves. This is an opportunity to realize the Self-as-Source; it empowers you beyond any false externally-imposed limitations.

Let us use this cosmic trigger to accelerate the Shift in Consciousness to Unity, Harmony and Unconditional Wisdom of LoveLight Intelligence right now.

Many blessings to all who are doing the difficult and profound work at this time.


I AM sending all of us so much love and supreme light during this challenging time. We are so very close to unfolding a brilliant new phase of the paradigm shift – please don’t get lost in the woes of the new light frequencies. This is a time to BE with the new light, listen to it, and anchor it into the collective with love, grace and divine purpose.

Note: I feel this gateway is very important (hence the long video) and extend the Ascension eCourse at the returning client rate ($222) to anyone who has been wavering about taking the Course. Sign up by May 10 and participate this month. As always, it’s not about watching the videos, it’s about your journey to freedom and empowerment.

If you registered and have not completed the Course, now is a good time to get back into the material and get clear on your process. The more awake and ascending folks who can amplify these energies and accelerate the Shift, the better.

In love, light and service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.

2 comments on “May Shift – Gateways bringing in 5D frequencies

  1. Pingback: May Shift 2013 – Sandra Walter | Sacred Spiral of Light

  2. Pingback: SANDRA WALTER ON CONNECTING INTERDIMENSIONAL GATEWAYS | Love Grace Light: Ascending with Planet Earth

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