Second Event in Boulder on SUNday

Blessings Beloved Boulder Light Tribe ~

Another Boulder event has been co-created. Join the Light Tribe on SUNday October 16 at 2pm at 3890 Broadway. I will be setting up a Master crystal grid, teaching the New Gridwork, answering any questions about Ascension and connecting with Star Family, etc. Plus we’ll create a high vibe field through sound to enhance the experience of this new level of Light.

Details and RSVPs can be found on the facebook event page HERE.

Gratitude to Erin McHugh and Judith Beshel for coordinating this event and hosting at this beautiful space in downtown Boulder. If you have a crystal you would like programmed for Crystalline consciousness, please bring it. Donations are suggested to assist with space costs, however it is not mandatory if you are abundance-challenged at the moment. See you there!

Boulder Event Links:

Saturday October 15 at 2pm MT event with Lauren Galey details HERE
SUNday October 16 at 2pm MT event details HERE

I look forward to our connection, Beloveds!

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.