Solstice and Full Moon – Unity Activations and Walk-thru practice

My Higher Self wanted me to provide some information on what the next few days are bringing in. I attempted to spend time with my beloved Light Tribe up on the mountain, however my Higher Self had other ideas. Due to time/access constraints, I had to sit down, turn the camera on and relay this message.

I have done this with my writing, posting uncensored/uninterpreted intel on this site or twitter, however I have not done this live on the spot outside of private sessions, small gatherings or in the eCourse. Evidently my Divine Entourage feels it is time for me to step into this. After the initial message is received, my Higher Self sends a light packet – a flash containing details – which I then interpret with the guidance of my Entourage (hundreds of beings at the moment). Sometimes my Higher Self answers my (telepathic) questions for clarity as I speak, sometimes my Entourage chimes in.

Through the Solstice, Full Moon and beyond, many will have opportunities to take their process up a level or two. The body is getting 5D portal practice, our hearts are becoming vividly clear, and DNA light signature activations are ongoing.



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.