The Advanced Ascension Course

Join Sandra for a profound exploration of Ascension Acceleration “We are at a brilliant turning point in planetary and HUman consciousness. This Sacred Gateway reveals the truth of who we are, what we have created and where our journey is taking us. Let us walk through this empowered by Unity and Divine Light Intelligence.” – […]

Current Ascension phase: Incarnating the Higher Self

On Saturday July 7, I presented an online event to share the dynamics of the current phase of the Ascension process: Incarnating your Higher Self into the physical. You can access the 2 hour video replay for $12.21 via this link. This event was loaded with information and celebrates the beginning of the Higher Self stepping […]

Hey Venus: Part One – Decision time

A quick thank you to the transmutation teams Blessings to every lightworker/wayshower/lightserver/healer taking one for the team this week as we readjust in the aftermath of the Solar eclipse. Welcome, REturn of the divine feminine; way to blast the heck out of the masculine density and transmute it through many a gridworker. Ouch, my aching […]

Egoic restructuring and writing vs radio

Yesterday’s radio broadcast on the dissolvement of egoic density was a very good show. The last three broadcasts were sequential, covering how and why Source created fear and love, and the present rewriting of what has been created. I covered the death of the lower egoic structures and how it loosens the deities’ grip on […]