The latest I AM collection

The “I AM” messages appear on my Twitter stream. The I AM message intention is to dissolve separation and end polarity; to REmind us that we are everything we perceive, that everything is Source.

These poetic clairaudient expressions align the heart and mind, ignite remembrance and amplify Unity Consciousness. When they appear together like this, they make for a lovely prayer-like meditation. Breathe, put your palms together, and feel your infinite self as Source.

I AM the collective request answered, the divine intelligence restored & the promise of ancient truths fulfilled. And so are you.

I AM the Ascended presence within, the REsurrection of Krysthlline cities & the inevitable victory of Divine Will. And so are you.

I AM the fate of denser choices, the embellishment of multicrystalline rays & the deafening amplification of lovelight intelligence.

I AM the dimensional spectrum, the Master Monad transition & the sacred exchange of galactic secrets. And so are you.

I AM the emerging crystalline secrets, the interface of dimensional wisdom & the unconditional light of Self REnewed. And so are you.

I AM the arisement of elementals, the exodus of the kingdoms & the divine intentions of the Mother manifested. And so are you.

I AM the intoxicating MEmory of Self, the sacred fire of kNOWledge, and the impenetrable fortress of Ascension. And so are you.

I AM the unification of kingdoms, the invisible frequency of truth and the deactivation of distortion. And so are you.

I AM the changeling starseed, the HU dawn and the altered state of Source consciousness. And so are you.

I AM the expanding planet, the silent glide of a new orbit & the returned echoes of renewal from Alcyone. And so are you.

I AM the suspicion of clemency, the deletion of evidence and the inferno of akashic manipulations. And so are you.

I AM the misinterpreted gasp of the Kachina, the distorted Quantum and the transmutation of the Angelic realms. And so are you.

I AM the future timeline amplification, the persistence of entanglement & the dream-shadows of infinite wisdom. And so are you.

I AM the nightmare dissolved, the triad SOULar light and the awakening surrender to divine grace. And so are you.

I AM the spiral ladder of creation, the magnetic anomaly gateway & the interdimensional flash of REunion. And so are you.

I AM the future HUman #lightserver incarnate, the time emigration reversed & the altered trajectory of evolution. And so are you.

I AM the chameleon of linear time, the interdimensional dance & the silent insistent spark of Self. And so are you.

I AM the sunrise bursting with angelic discourse, the mirror-lake-gateway beckoning a step & the glide thru the silver bars. And so are you.

I AM the dismantling of Aracnigon, the shift of polarities & the final trials of third density. And so are you.

I AM the first light, the true light and the final light. And so are you.

I AM the enigma of lily, the lovers reunited after tests of mastery & the encoded tale of darkness into LIGHT. And so are you.

I AM the metaphor of walking on mirrors, the reflection of Self & the diamond clarity of bridging worlds. And so are you.

I AM the shuffling of the master deck, the heightened stakes of the last hand & the wisdom to bet all or fold. And so are you.

I AM the orchestrated convergence, the sinew of stargate gestation & the gasp of pre-dawn darkness. And so are you.

I AM the crumbling monolith of permission, the fading shadow of judgment & the release of un-sacred geometries. And so are you.

I AM the mirror amplified, the blank stare of endgame lost & the terrifying dispersment into the abyss. And so are you.

I AM the intimacy of distance, the well-worn NEW and the vortex to the core of truth within. And so are you.

I AM the destruction of vibrational stagnation, the death of synthetic constructs & the demands of TRUTH. And so are you.

I AM the diamond ray of consciousness, the quickening of timelines & the triumph of Universal LIGHT. And so are you.

I AM the complications of doubt, the energetic crossroads & the reverence of the first step into the *New*. And so are you.

I AM the quarantined Universes of shadow, the terror of self-knowing & the obstructed journey into the abyss. And so are you.

I AM the awakened Source within Source, the realization of a new truth & the ignited spark of boundless creation. And so are you.

I AM the labyrinth of synthetic constructs, the reconfiguration of truth & the stargate portals to freedom. And so are you.

I AM the division of timelines, the poetic justice of unconditional love & the clemency of authentic intent. And so are you.

I AM the cleansing elementals, the demagnetizing of gates & the repolarization of a planetary consciousness. And so are you.

I AM the clutching at crumbling cliffs, the gasp of breath before immersion & the silent bliss of surrendering to the void. And so are you.

I AM the worlds beyond worlds, the uncompromised creativity and the clarity of limitlessness. And so are you.

I AM the Cosmic Christ, the boundless Sri Yantra of Self and the harmonic orchestration of awakened DNA. And so are you.

You might also enjoy the first I AM collection or the Gratitude Stream

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.

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